Raise Craze Annual Fundraiser
Each year we hold a major club fundraiser during the month of February through Raise Craze. This no-sell system of fundraising helps us raise money while spreading kindness and good deeds throughout the community as we raise essential funds that enable Serve City to continue offering the lowest volleyball club fees in the Chicago area! Serve City used Raise Craze for our fundraisers the last two years, and we were very pleased with their service and assistance. This year we are happy to announce that the fundraiser raised $15,304, exceeding our goal of $13,000!
Our club fees are anywhere from 30% to 75% lower than other volleyball clubs in large part because of our annual major fundraisers. Without these fundraisers our registration fees would have to increase significantly, which would conflict with our goal to provide the most affordable volleyball club fees in Chicagoland for middle class and working class families so that any family can enroll their daughter in club volleyball. Thanks in advance for your support!
Buyout option
If you prefer not to have your daughter email your friends and family for donations, your other option is you'll have to purchase the buyout option of $100 that will be charged to you if you don't send out 10 or more emails to prospective donors as per our club policy explained in our club handbook. Every family is required to either purchase the buyout option or participate in the fundraiser. Taking part in the fundraiser is a free option for your family that will take just a minimum amount of time, so we strongly encourage families to take part in the fundraiser.
About Raise Craze
Instead of selling candy or other products, Raise Craze is a no-sell fundraiser that raises funds through service to our communities (hence our club name Serve City).
Raise Craze is a simple and meaningful way to fund-raise, and we can't wait to get started so that we can continue offering low club fees thanks to the donations of family members, friends and neighbors. If you have any questions, contact us at twelsh@servecityvolleyball.org.